Searching for Spring

11 04 2014

Spring is slow to come to Northern Japan. Our cherry blossoms won’t arrive for about 2 more weeks. In America, they say that “March goes in like a lion and out like a lamb.” Here, March is pretty miserable all month long, and April just might go out like a lamb. This week we have had a bit of sun, but also fierce winds and rain. The lamb is definitely not here yet.

Still, we have been inside for far too long. So today we ventured out around the neighborhood to search for signs of spring. We had to look pretty hard, but spring is out there. Here are a few glimpses of what we found.


Tiny shoots of green grass are sprouting among the brown.


The farmer is hard at work, and if you look close there are pops of green among the furrows.


We found a flower! Can you spot it?




I think these are related to cauliflower. Aren’t they cool looking?

B drew what we had discovered.

B drew what we had discovered.

The walk was cut short when it started to snow, but we will be back in a few days to check for more progress.